Family Faith Formation
2023-2024 FAMILY MODEL
● Registration is open to *all families* with children in grades K - 8th grade, families whose
children are in public school, private school or homeschool.
● Families will register together with the form below. There is a $40 registration fee.
● Those preparing for the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist will be provided with
additional formation opportunities. Additional registration will be required.
All Meetings: Donuts and Lesson after 9AM Mass
● September 10th
● October 1st
● November 5th
● December 3rd
● January 7th
● February 4th
● March 3rd
● April 7th
● May 5th
Family Faith Formation Registration
For more information, contact St. Matthew DRE, Becci Sheptock, or Angela Dolese, Director of Adult Faith Formation,
High School Faith Formation (CCD) (Only for 9-11 grade students who do not attend Catholic school) Classes begin in September.
Schedule: All meetings are in the MBC Conference Room, 4:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
2023/24 Meeting Dates: September 10, September 24, October 8, October 22, November 5, November 19, December 3, December 17, January 7, January 21, February 4, February 18, March 3, March 17.
High School Faith Formation (CCD)
(For students who do not attend Catholic High School)
St. Matthew the Apostle recognizes that parents are the primary educators of their children and aims to assist parents in this through Faith Formation (CCD). The Archdiocese of New Orleans highly recommends that high school students at public or private, non-Catholic schools attend faith formation at the parish. Completion of at least one year of high school faith formation is required to enroll in the Confirmation preparation program (11th grade) at SMA. High school Faith Formation (CCD) meets one or two Sundays a month during the school year. Class times are 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM.
For high school Faith Formation registration information, please contact James Donovan at 504-621-7501. Please bring form to the Parish Office or to the first meeting.